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Alternative Name: Roller Canary, Hartz Mountain Roller Canary
Scientific Name: Serinus canaria
Basic Information
Most German Roller Canaries are between four and a half and five inches in length. They are not bred for their size, color, or feathering; rather, they are bred for their songs! This means that Roller Canaries can vary greatly in appearance. Breeders are constantly experimenting with new types. Most, however, have a rather flattened head and straight back. The defining characteristic of the German Roller Canary is its song, which is produced with the beak closed. This gives it a lower timbre and less shrill sound than the songs of many birds. It is the lower tone of the German Canary’s song that makes it so pleasing to the human ear. German Roller Canaries do have the ability to produce high-pitched tones.
I am very happy that you posted this page.
I especially appreciate the highly accurate material that you provide. Your knowlege of the Roller is well expressed.
-Kent Donnelly
(President of the Dominion Roller Canary Association).
Thank for your coming and comment.
well, this is now the most correct article …. two tumbs up.
i enjoyed reading about the roller canary i had a very nice roller school master years ago and every time that bird sang i realy felt wonderfull he was a hartz mountain roller , im retired now from work and i would like to aquire some very good german roller canaries would you have any ideas as to where i could get the best type like i had 40 years ago it would be interesting to hear from you , my kindest regards ronald irvine. belfast northern ireland uk.
Thank 4 coming. Please check here for futher information.
Or, This site will try to refer you to a breeder who has good stock.