Aneka suara binatang liar, binatang gurun dan suara burung


Berikut ini adalah sejumlah link download untuk suara alam, termasuk beberapa jenis burung, binatang liar, hewan di peternakan, binatang gurun yang bisa Anda dengarkan suaranya ataupun diunduh.

Suara Eksotik:
Download: Australian Frogmouth

Download: Blue Amazon Macaw

Download: Blue Amazon Macaw

Download: Blue Amazon Macaw

Download: Mountain Lion Growl

Download: Puma Hiss And Growl

Suara Binatang Udara (Burung, Serangga, Dll)

Download: Chirping Animal Sound

Download: Australian Frogmouth

Download: Bee Buzzing

Download: Birds Chirps

Download: Bird Songs

Download: Bird-Chirp Red Parot (Mexican)

Download: Bird-Chirp Red Parot (Mexican)

Download: Bird-Chirp Red Parot (Mexican)

Download: Bird-Chirp Red Lories

Download: Bird-Chirp Red Lories

Download: Bird-Chirp Red Lories

Download: Bird-Chirp Red Lories

Download: Canary Animals

Download: Canary Trills

Download: Canary Trills

Download: Canary Trills

Download: Cardinal

Download: Chicks Hatching

Download: Crow

Download: Crow Caw

Download: Finch

Download: Lapwing

Download: Macaw Parrot

Download: Meadow Lark

Download: Meadow Lark

Download: Meadow Lark

Download: Mockingbird Cry

Download: Mosquito

Download: Nightingale

Download: Owl

Download: Peacock

Download: Peacock

Download: Pigeons Taking Flight

Download: Pigeons Taking Fligh

Download: Seagulls

Download: South American Parrot

Download: Swam Of Bees

Download: Swam Of Mosquitos

Download: Vulture

Download: Vulture

Download: Whipperwhill

Download: Woodpecker

Suara Hewan Peternakan/ Peliharaan Rumah

Download: Basset Hound Barking

Download: Bloodhound Pack

Download: Bloodhounds Yelping

Download: Cat Meow

Download: Cat Meow

Download: Cat Meow

Download: Cat Meow

Download: Cattle

Download: Cattle Drive

Download: Chicken Coop

Download: Chicken Laying Egg

Download: Chickens

Download: Cow

Download: Cow

Download: Cow Moes Twice

Download: Doberman Pincher Bark

Download: Dog

Download: Dog Bark

Download: Dog Crying In Pain

Download: Dog Growl

Download: Duck Quaking

Download: Duck Quaking

Download: Geese (Canadian)

Download: Geese

Download: Goat

Download: Heard Sheep

Download: Hog Grunts

Download: Horse Walking In Water

Download: Horse Whinny

Download: Horse Walking By

Download: Horse Walking By

Download: Horse Whinnying

Download: Horse Whinnying

Download: Horse Walkin On Concrete

Download: Horse Walking On Dirt

Download: Longhorn Steer Bellow

Download: Pig Squeal

Download: Pig Squeal

Download: Pig Squeal

Download: Ponny Whiny

Download: Rooster

Download: Sheep

Download: Sheep

Download: Sheep

Binatang Hutan/Liar

Download: Capuchin Monkey

Download: Capuchin Monkey

Download: Chimpanzee

Download: Cougar Growl

Download: Cougar Snarl, Growl

Download: Cougar Snarl

Download: Elephant Trumpeting

Download: Elephant Angry

Download: Gorilla Growl

Download: Gorilla Growl

Download: Gorilla Growl

Download: Gorilla Snorts

Download: Hawk

Download: Jungle Animal Sounds

Download: Lamb

Download: Leopard Growl

Download: Lion Growl

Download: Lion Growl

Download: Lion Growl

Download: Lion Roaw

Download: Lion Roaw

Download: Lion Roaw

Download: Lion Roaw

Download: Lion Roaw

Download: Lion Roaw

Download: Lion Roaw

Download: Lion Roaw

Download: Lion Roaw

Download: Lion Growling Breathing, Packing

Download: Lion Growling Breathing, Packing

Download: Lioness Growl

Download: Monkey Chatter

Download: Monkey Chatter

Download: Rhinoceros

Download: Tiger Greeting

Download: Tiger Growl

Download: Tiger Growl

Download: Tiger Growl

Download: Tiger Growl

Binatang Gurun:

Download: Cobra Striking

Download: Rattlesnake

Disclaimer: Some sound files found on this site were not created by the webmaster. They were obtained from various sources on the internet that labeled them as “freely distributable”. If you should discover sound effects in this collection which you recognize as copyrighted, please email the webmaster immediately so that they may be removed.

Disclaimer: Beberapa file yang link-nya ada di sini bukan dibuat atau diciptakan oleh Om Kicau. Suara ini diperoleh dari berbagai sumber di internet yang di sana disebutkan sebagai “didistribusikan secara bebas”. Jika Anda menemukan suara efek pada koleksi ini memiliki hak cipta, silakan kirim email ke Om Kicau dengan segera sehingga link tersebut akan segera saya hapus.

Sumber gambar dan tulisan/file


  1. mantebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb…bisa ngisi suara2 ini ke love bird kesayangan saya nich…..terima kasih ya om duto…….salam kicau mania…:)))

  2. Susahnya suara brung d download hmpir smua tlisan download aq klik tp ttap g bs.ada yg tau cranya tlong aq d ksih tau.

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