Q-A Penangkaran LB (8), Perawatan dasar

Tanya dan komentar
Benar kata Mas Duto,ternyata LB suka mandi seperti kenari. Dulu saya diberitahu “seseorang” kalau LB tidak boleh dimandiin karena bisa mati atau cabutin bulu.
Saya ikuti saran Mas Duto untuk sediakan tempat mandi dikandang LB dan ternyata mereka langsung mandi “nyemplung” kayanya puasssss banget mandinya. Tinggal tunggu nih, apakah telornya netas karena selama ini banyak yang tidak netas (kosong ataupun busuk).
Terima kasih Mas Duto untuk infonya. Salam (Fortuna).

Haha, saya juga diberitahu orang kok Pak. Kebetulan saja yang memberitahu saya sudah pengalaman. Dia adalah Doree Bedwell yang menulis di http://www.africanlovebirdsociety.com/ hehehehe.  Lengkapnya adalah sebagai berikut:

The Basics of Lovebird Care
by Doree Bedwell

Peachfaced Lovebirds are small parrots from west Africa. They are easy to keep as pets and are very easy to raise for breeding. Here is some information to help you care for your lovebird.
Lovebirds need a cage which has at least two places to perch, with room to fly from one to the other. A cage with a horizontal measurement of 24 inches to 30 inches is appropriate. Anything less than 18 inches would be too small and restrictive. Perches need to be a size which is comfortable for the birds feet, not too small or too large.
It is convenient to have two sets of food and water dishes so that they can be alternated and washed each day. Water must be changed and the dish washed every day. Food dishes can stay longer, with food added each day if preferred, but food dishes do need to be completely emptied, washed, and refilled at least once a week. Caution — food dishes sometimes look full, but only have seed hulls and waste in them, with no good food for the bird!
Lovebirds need activity in the cage to stay healthy. Swings, ladders, and interlocked bamboo rings are favorites. The 6 inch cockatiel swings are the best size for lovebirds. Pet departments or stores have many choices in toys for pet birds. Avoid small toys designed for parakeets and budgies. Lovebirds have very strong beaks for chewing and can break these items. Toys designed for cockatiels and small parrots are the right size for lovebirds.
Lovebirds need the same size food as cockatiels and other small parrots. If you plan to feed your birds a seed mix, choose one which contains nutritional supplements to assure a “total diet” to keep birds healthy. Other less expensive seed mixes, or seeds sold for wild birds will not have all the nutrients your bird needs, although they can also be used if you provide lots of fresh foods. Note –pellet diets like Kaytee Exact or Pretty Bird are nutritionally complete and very good for birds, though some birds will be slow to accept them. Birds that are used to seeds will need to be given adequate time to adjust and learn to eat a pellet-only diet.
Try to give fresh foods at least 3 or 4 times a week. Our birds love apples, broccoli, cabbage, kale, carrots, parsley, and spinach. You can try other vegetables and fruits, too. Lettuce is okay, but it doesn’t have much nutritional value. In the summer we sometimes give dandelion and clover (flowers and greens) from the yard. Make sure to wash off any pesticides or chemicals which could hurt the bird. Our birds also like corn tortillas (not salted tortilla chips) and whole grain breads. Don’t feed anything with high fat, salt, or sugar content, like donuts, cake, or cookies. Caution — remember to remove any uneaten fresh food from the cage before it spoils.
Try to keep cuttlebone in the cage all the time to provide calcium for the bird. Millet sprays, sometimes called “seed trees” are a good treat.
Lovebirds are very hardy and do not need to be kept particularly warm all the time, but should not be exposed to freezing conditions.
Lovebirds like to bathe frequently. The will bathe in their water dishes if the dishes are large enough. If not you can sit a shallow dish of water in the cage occasionally for their use. They also like to be sprayed with water mist once in a while. This helps keep their feathers in good condition.
CAUTION! — If your bird is to be kept in or near the kitchen be very careful not to over heat Teflon pans or appliances. When Teflon gets too hot it gives off fumes which are toxic to birds! The bird may die with respiratory distress. Teflon coated irons and other items can also be very dangerous.
If your bird seems sick, or has been injured, seek the help of a qualified avian veterinarian. Most veterinarians see very few birds, and have little experience diagnosing and treating them. Ask for recommendations from your local bird club or pet store. It is best to find a good vet before any problems arise, so that you will know who to go to if there is an emergency. (Duto)


Om Kicau: Man on the street

View Comments (7)

  • om langsung aja nich mo tanya, sy mo pelihara LB sbg masteran :
    - jenis klep dasar hijau yg bgs gmn y...?
    - jenis kelamin ce or co sebaiknya buat masteran
    - perawatan harian gmn khusus buat kuli spt sy
    trm ksh atas saran dan jawabannya

  • Om. LB saya bulunya sering dibrodoli sendiri. sampai sekarang pun masih susah numbuhin bulunya. Minta tolong respnya Om supaya bulu LB saya bagus...

  • Saya pemula mu tanya juga,, kalo burung kutilang tuh bagus gak sih?? saya punya kutiang dan baru mau 'maen burung'... tips apa yang kira2 bisa jadi referensi saya untuk memelihara kutilang... terima kasih

    • Ya bagus sih Om, cuma kadang para penghobi itu sedikit yang piara kutilang.
      Untuk rawatan ya asal kecukupan pakan (voer, pisang, jangkrik) dan air untuk mandi serta jemur secukupnya. Enggak sulit kok Om untuk kutilang.
